Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Bedsworth: Naming Rights ... and Wrongs

Another tour de force from Beds in this month's column Naming Rights ... and Wrongs
Image result for Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow
Mr. Mewo-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow
"I have 87 linear feet of annotated codes in my chambers. It’s 90 feet from home to first. Next time your favorite ballplayer gets thrown out by a step, give some thought to the fact he probably couldn’t have outrun the annotated codes, either."

Over in the DJ, there's a profile, titled Exuding Calm, of LASC Judge Kim Nguyen, who clerked for Judge Goodwin, worked at Horvitz & Levy, and was a senior appellate court attorney in the 2d DCA.
See also in today's DJ, the monthly column Exceptionally Appealing, titled Holy, Holey Rules!

See here for yet another example of how a "notice of ruling" is NOT the same thing as a "notice of entry." Sigh.