Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Justice Werdegar receives Witkin Medal
Today's DJ reports that Pioneering Justice Kathryn Werdegar awarded Witkin Medal by California Lawyers Association: Former State Supreme Court Justice Praised for being a trailblazer for women.
California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, who presented
her former colleague with the award, said the Witkin Medal is given to someone
whose extraordinary service made a significant impact on “the quality of
justice and legal scholarship in our state.” ... Werdegar said receiving the Witkin Medal at the California
Lawyers Association’s inaugural convention is something she will always
cherish. “That
I’m now joining this pantheon of legal personalities is a very humbling
experience, and I’m deeply grateful to the California Lawyers Association,” she
said.... The former justice shared that she re-activated her State Bar
card, after stepping down last August, to help consult on a case before an
appellate court. In an interview, she said she was not at liberty to share the
name of the case.