Monday, August 20, 2018

Your typical contract dispute... over a tank!

For Sale By Owner
"This case arises out of the sale of a Panzer IV tank.[fn.1] While the tank is perhaps unique, the case before us is a basic contract dispute..."

fn.1 A Panzer IV was described at trial as the backbone of the Wehrmacht, the German armed forces during World War II, the most “historically relevant German tank that there is.” There are only 28 “reasonably complete” tanks left in the world, only five of which are in North America. This particular tank was built in 1944, and eventually was located to Syria, where it was captured by the Israeli army in the Six Day War.

Prefer surfing to tanks? Well, today the Gov signed AB1782 enacting Gov. Code 424.7, which provides: "Surfing is the official state sport."