Friday, August 3, 2018

Justice Liu on Justice RBG

Law360 continues its series on what it's like to clerk for RBG with Justice Liu's piece Clerking for Ginsburg: My RBG Guide to Judging.

I clerked for Justice Ginsburg in the October 2000 term, before the days of RBG bobbleheads and “You Can’t Spell Truth Without Ruth” T-shirts. I had no idea I would one day become a judge, and I feel lucky every day that I had the chance to learn from her about the art of judging. Here are some important lessons she taught me:

1. Deliberate well, but be decisive.
2. Make collegiality a priority.
3. Write a good lead.
The equivalent skill for appellate lawyers is to write a compelling “summary of argument” at the beginning of a brief, which is also harder than it looks.
4. Don’t be afraid to use your own voice.
Legal writing, Justice Ginsburg’s example shows, need not be dull or formulaic.
5. Remember: The law affects the lives of real people.