Monday, July 2, 2018

July columns -- 30 years under submission

It's a new month, so that means new monthly columns:

    Image result for dancing with computers
  • Justice Gilbert's column is titled 30 Years, about how he's been publishing 30 years of his Under Submission columns for the DJ.
  • Justice Bedsworth's monthly OCBA column is Dances With Computers (and here in The Recorder), which covers e-filing. "Our rule actually requires the brief to be filed by 11:59. 8 If you file at midnight, you’re in violation of Rule of Court 8.77 and your brief will “be deemed to have turned into a pumpkin which was received the next court day.”"
  • Also in the DJ is Moskovitz on Appeals, Appellate Adventures, Chapter 5: "Which Facts?" about how briefs need two types of factual statements, one substantive (about what happened in the real world, i.e., a "statement of facts") and one procedural (about what happened in court, i.e., a "statement of procedure").