Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Time for an updated rule book?

Image result for old rule book
An eagle-eyed reader directs our attention to footnote 10 on page 11 of In re Butler, issued yesterday by a unanimous Cal Supreme Court. You'll see that the court cites as follows: "(See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 28.1(c).)" But according to the handy conversion chart here, Rule 28.1 was converted to Rule 8.504 back in 2007. Old habits die hard, perhaps? Some appellate lawyers may still refer to Rule 17 notices, rather than Rule 8.220...

Looking for more fun reading? How about the CJP's Annual Report! Here you'll read about how of 1,844 judges in California, complaints were filed against 878. That's just about half. Calls the mind the old saw that every time a judge makes a ruling, she makes one temporary friend and one permanent enemy.