Something exciting and exceedingly appellatey happened this past week in SoCal: AJAI at the Pacific Palms Hotel in the City of Industry! That stands for "Appellate Judicial Attorneys Institute" and is an annual conference run by the Judicial Council for Court of Appeal and Supreme Court research attorneys. Yes, it's a big deal, with about 200 research attorneys, justices, judges and professors, from around the state attending and speaking. So what took place? Well,
the Chief kicked things off with an address on Wednesday afternoon. Then there were sessions about CEQA, Criminal Law, Marijuana Law, more CEQA, Prop. 57, and an address by Prof. Hasen ("Cheap Speech and What it Has Done to American Democracy"). On Thursday, there were programs on Criminal Fines and Fees, Motions, Writs, a presentation on The Published Life of a Court of Appeal Opinion (by the State Reporter of Decisions,
Lawrence Striley), Protective Nondisclosure, ICWA, Reflections Judicial Independence (by
Justice Jenkins), Prop. 66, Constitutional Law, Criminal Sentences, Ethics & Social Media, etc., etc., continuing with programs on Friday. In short, a pretty spiffy conference, with some amazing presentations (just based on the speakers list, which also included
Justices Robie, Epstein, Banke, Perluss, Streeter, and Humes, as well as many superior court judges and law profs). It's great to know that AJAI exists and that research attorneys can experience the joys of high quality continuing education aimed directly at their needs.