Monday, April 2, 2018

Law360 interviews Justice Liu

Law360 offers Goodwin Liu Talks Academia, Constitutional Law, Oxtail Stew, a 7-question Q&A, which ends:

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: Free time? I have two young kids, so that’s pretty much my free time. They are still at an age when they want to be with me, so my time with them is very precious. Beyond that, I’m an avid runner, and I love the outdoors. With my kids taking piano lessons, I’ve rediscovered piano (I took 10 years of lessons) and am trying to relearn my favorite Chopin études, some of which he wrote in his early 20s — talk about genius. Also, I love to cook. My chief justice and I recently bought an instant pot on the same day, and we’ve been trading recipes — the best dish so far is oxtail stew.