- She received a Green Bag award for her opinion-writing in De Fontbrune v. Wofsy, 838 F.3d 992 (2016).
- "An avid outdoorswoman [she] enjoys mountain climbing, hiking, skiing and kayaking"
- "She spent time at the University of Madrid as an undergraduate, where she became fluent in Spanish. McKeown can also speak basic French and read several other languages."
- "Later this month, she will be a distinguished lecturer at the University of Wyoming, where she will present her findings in a lecture entitled, “Do Trees Still Have Standing? The Environmental Legacy of Justice William O. Douglas and the Wyoming Muries.”"
- She chairs the 9th Circuit’s own "internal review process and sits on a national working group convened at the request of U.S. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. to review the courts’ workplace policies."
Want to learn more? The DJ profiled Judge McKeown back in May 2007 (and Oct. 1999), the Federal Lawyer profiled her in Sept. 2015, and The Recorder profiled her in April 2014.