Wednesday, February 7, 2018

CALG comes to LA

The DJ reports San Francisco Appellate Firm Opens Office in Los Angeles: "The California Appellate Law Group recently opened a second office in Los Angeles to better meet its Southern California clients’ needs, as well as take on compelling hires based in the area." "The office, located on Wilshire Boulevard, launched Jan. 1 with two veteran appellate attorneys, John Derrick and Sharon Baumgold."

Image result for loser
I'll show you an Appellant!
Yesterday's Exceptionally Appealing DJ monthly column was Appeals are for Losers, about appellate standing and how respondents can't appeal simply to raise alternative grounds for an affirmance.

And yesterday's DJ also offered Kozinski misconduct inquiry ends: "Judicial Council for 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says that it is unable to address merits of complaints against former 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski in light of his complete retirement from the bench."

Yesterday's Recorder had Wider Door to Out-of-State Lawyers.