Monday, December 18, 2017

Other appellate news today

This morning the Cal Supremes issued Kurwa v. Kislinger (II), a unanimous opinion on appealability.

Today's DJ's Moskovitz on Appeals column is Do I make myself clear? "We lawyers spend a good chunk of our waking hours writing stuff. We write briefs, letters, emails -- you name it. So it's worth spending a bit of time studying how to write better."
In addition to recommending Steven Pinker's The Sense of Style, he suggests:
Biskind, "Simplified Legal Writing"; Cooper, "Effective Legal Writing"; Garner, "The Winning Brief"; Mellinkoff, "Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense"; Parham, "Fundamentals of Legal Writing"; Weihofen, "Legal Writing Style"; Wydick, "Plain English for Lawyers" But then notes, "I just read a new book that I found more helpful than any of these: "Do I Make Myself Clear," by Harold Evans (Little Brown, 2017)."
Also of interest in today's DJ's is James Otto Heiting's The Evolution of the State Bar, which provides background on the history of the California State Bar and the big changes that are coming.

Finally, the JNE Commission is evaluating 2/8's Justice Rubin for a Presiding Justice spot in the Second Appellate District, presumably for Division 5, since that is the only open PJ spot... right now.

In the SCOTUS department, see 'Oysters Le Burger'? SCOTUS Cookbook Reveals Justices' Food Traditions and Recipes: The new book “Table for 9” recounts the history of the U.S. Supreme Court's dining traditions, and throws in some recipes to boot. The book's worth a read as much for the glimpses it gives into the lives of the justices as the recipes that are included.