Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Bruins on the Bench

Image result for ucla logoThe January 2018 UCLA Magazine features Bruins on the Bench about how "nowhere is UCLA's imprint more apparent than on the 9th Circuit" where "Eight Bruins sit on the court, six of whom earned their J.D.s from UCLA--the largest number from any institution." "[E]very president since Jimmy Carter has selected at least one Bruin for a lifetime appointment to the 9th Circuit ..." The article begins with Judge Alex Kozinski ('72, J.D. '75), calling him "the court's most recognizable member" and then moves to discuss Judges Dorothy Nelson ('50, J.D.'53), Wallace Tashima ('58), Kim Wardlaw ('76, J.D.'79), Sandra Ikuta (J.D.'88), Jacqueline Nguyen (J.D.'91), and Paul Watford (J.D. '94).