Today's DJ features GMSR's Alana Rotter in First High Court Ruling Considers Appeals Deadlines, about Hamer v. Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago.
Today's DJ also includes Trial Lawyers Honor Justice for Promoting Civility: The New California Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates award is named for 4th District Justice William W. Bedsworth.
Bedsworth was honored Wednesday in a surprise ceremony. He traveled to the conference thinking he was there to install the chapter’s new officers. He said the honor sent him “over the moon.”“Getting the award is just amazing. Have them name it after me? I don’t have words for that,” Bedsworth said.The William W. Bedsworth Judicial Civility Award is the chapter’s highest honor for justices and judges. It won’t be given annually, only when the board of directors deems it appropriate.
And welcome SCOTUS to the 20th Century! See The Supreme Court’s next (cautious, careful) move into the digital age: "A new era of cutting-age technology begins Monday at the United States Supreme Court, as the public for the first time will be able to access briefs and other case documents on the court’s website." See also Late to the Party, E-Filing Kicks Off at SCOTUS: Monday was a big day for the U.S. Supreme Court—the first day in the era of e-filing. And according to those who used the new system, it went off smoothly.