Friday, September 1, 2017

Hold that line!

The DJ reports: State Bar committee votes to maintain exam passing scoreMembers of the Committee of Bar Examiners said they did not have data to support reducing the standard.
Image result for hold that line
The Committee of Bar Examiners voted 13-1 Thursday to recommend no change be made to the passing score on the California bar exam, bucking calls from law school deans and a powerful state lawmaker to lower the standard on an interim basis in the midst of falling passage rates.
The committee overwhelmingly supported maintaining the pass line of 144 until two other studies related to the bar exam are completed, including one that will review the degree to which declining credentials of law students have contributed to less success on the exam.

In other heartwarming news, Watch Nemo the Courthouse Comfort Dog Make His Debut:
San Francisco has a new judicial appointment. He doesn’t have a J.D. or know the law very well, although he can sit, lie down and high-five on command. The S.F. Unified Family Court, in a historic first, added a comfort dog [a black lab] to its roster.