- Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
State of the Court
Ronald Reagan State Building, Employee Lounge.
Registration necessary. No CLE credit.
This is our traditional state of the court
meeting to kick off our 2017-2018 term. Justice Dennis Perluss, Interim
Administrative Presiding Justice, and Joseph Lane, Clerk and Executive Officer
of the Court, will address our section on the state of the Second
District. We also will discuss upcoming programs. This is a great
opportunity to ask questions about the workings of the Court from
individuals who know most about it.
- Thursday, October 19, 2017, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Reception
to follow.
Judging the Judge: A Candid Conversation
Between Judge Alex Kozinski and Professors Ronald Collins and David Skover on
Appellate Judging and the Politics of Law
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 125 South Grand Avenue, Pasadena
not yet open. CLE credit offered.
In their latest book, The Judge: 26
Machiavellian Lessons (Oxford University Press, 2017), Professors
Collins and Skover raise a provocative question: What flows from the
proposition that law is politics, or that Supreme Court decision-making in
controversial cases is greatly influenced by partisan beliefs? That is, ever more people (in and outside of the law) believe that
judicial power is a form of political power. If so, what then? The answer: the
maximization of judicial power, which is where Machiavelli comes in by way of
the 26 power-maxims urged by the authors. And appropriately so because today
both liberals and conservatives routinely criticize their ideological opponents
on the bench for acting politically. Some legal experts even posit the
impossibility of apolitical judges. It is against this conceptual backdrop that
Judge Kozinski will engage the authors in a spirited dialogue about partisan
politics and the art of appellate judging, primarily at the Supreme Court
level. (Q&A afterwards)
Alex Kozinski, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
Ronald Collins at the University of Washington Law School
David Skover at Seattle University School of Law
- Tuesday, November 14, 2017, 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Dispositions: Getting What You Really
Ronald Reagan State Building, Employee Lounge.
not yet open. CLE credit offered.
The dispositional language controls the
appellate outcome and all proceedings on remand, but most appellate
briefs overlook it. An appellate justice and an appellate court
attorney will explain civil and criminal dispositional options and offer
sample language. The presentation will equip attorneys to request
precise dispositional
language that best serves their client in order
to maximize wins, control
losses, and minimize time and expense in
proceedings on remand. Is
an unqualified reversal (and a new trial)
really best for the client? Or
Or will the court modify and affirm the
judgment with no further trial court hearing on remand? Can the disposition
include restitution for losses caused by the erroneous judgment or
order? This course will answer these questions and prepare
practitioners to ask for what they
really want on appeal.
Martin Tangeman, Court of Appeal, 2d Dist., Div.
Graham, Senior Appellate Court Attorney, 2d Dist., Div. 6