Monday, August 7, 2017

Beds on Nevada's Pot Shortage, et al.

Image result for pot deliveryBeds' latest column in The Recorder is Pot of Gold Redefined in Nevada, about the Silver State's drug problem--not having enough marijuana to satisfy Nevada's demand! Specifically, not having any trucks licensed to deliver it!

Today's DJ features PJ Gilbert's column, titled Fake, which includes a reference to a taxidermed pomeranian.

Image result for stuffed pomeranianAnd Moskovitz on Appeal offers Setting up an appeal--in the trial court, with tips for trial lawyers to preserve the record for appeal, such as: order a court reporter, and make sure that absolutely every phase of trial is reported; object to the other side's evidence, and state all grounds for the objection; and resist objections to your evidence, and if an objection is sustained, then make an offer of proof.