See here for part 2 of Law360's interview with Justice Stevens.
“They under-grant,” said Stevens, who partially blamed a modern Supreme Court practice known as the “cert pool” for the reduced caseload.
Justice Stevens also lamented the increasing uniformity in the educational and professional backgrounds of modern Supreme Court justices.
And see:
Chief Justice Roberts tells students he hopes they will experience challenges rather than success

Today's Recorder's On Appeals column features Charles Kagay of Cal. Appellate Law Group in
Navigating the Post-Judgment Motion Maze, discussing the recent Cal Supreme Court opinion of
Ryan v. Rosenfeld (holding that the denial of a motion to vacate a judgment is an appealable order).
The lesson for lawyers trying to work their way through the post-judgment motion maze is that the appealability of the trial court’s order is often worth a second or even a third look, perhaps by an appellate specialist. Certainly, Mr. Ryan advanced his cause by confronting the Supreme Court with a mistake it proved willing to address head-on.
Slate is running a series of monthly dialogues
between two of the nation's most esteemed jurists, RICHARD A. POSNER and JEFF S. RAKOFF. In
their latest, the two discuss whether there should be age limits for federal