Yesterday's MetNews reports
Feuer and Egerton Under Consideration for [Court of Appeal], noting that there are currently 3 vacancies in the 2d District and LASC Judges Gail Feuer and Ann Egerton and under consideration for appointment. The article concludes:

The MetNews has previously reported that
the names of Los Angeles attorneys Kent Richland and Bradley Phillips; Ventura
Superior Court Judge Tari Cody; Los Angeles Superior Court Judges Rita Miller,
Richard Rico, Helen Bendix, Ann Jones, and Sanjay Kumar; and Southwestern Law
School professor Christopher Cameron have been sent to the Commission on
Judicial Nominees Evaluation as possible appointees to the Court of Appeal.
Also of note is a December 4 BNA article titled
'Troublemaker' Kozinski Unafraid to Advocate for Change.
Why choose? |
You think YOU have problems with opposing counsel? Check out this opinion from 2/6 (APJ Gilbert)
Here the practice of law became more than stressful; it was
dangerous. An attorney representing himself threatened defendants' counsel with
pepper spray and a stun gun at a deposition. When defendants moved for
terminating sanctions, plaintiff filed an opposition that was openly contemptuous of the trial court. Such conduct can have consequences.