Conventional wisdom says, "The Supremes conference on Wednesdays." But Mr. Smarty Pants responds, "Not always. There's actually a conference today, Tuesday. And there was one a couple Tuesday's ago, on November 10," What gives? In weeks with holidays, the Supremes sometimes bump up their conference by a day. It happened twice this year. Next year it's scheduled to happen once, also during Thanksgiving week, on Tuesday November 22, 2016. So, enjoy the holiday. [To be clear: California Courts are closed on Thursday and Friday; federal courts are closed only on Thursday.]
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And, in case a reminder is needed, just because an unpublished Court of Appeal decision happens to support your position, that doesn't make it "law of the case"(!) as noted by 4/1
here in Smith v. Smith (pg. 17). Sanctions could have been imposed... {Not to be left out, 2/8 also issued a
Smith v. Smith decision today,
Herman Smith v. Erman Smith.}
Scene from the original Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Hitchcock 1941) |