H&L's Curt Cutting will be co-presenting a webinar on 12/1 about how appellate counsel can work with trial counsel:
Embedded Appellate Counsel at the Trial Level: Demonstrating Your Value to Trial and In-House Counsel -- Identifying and Optimizing Opportunities to Partner With Trial Counsel Before, During and After Trial
A live 90-minute CLE webinar with interactive Q&A
Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015, 10:00-11:30 a.m. PST
Details here
Also the 2d DCA has posted an updated calendar, including 2016 dates here.
Today's DJ features Myron Moskovitz piece Effect Examples Can Give Your Brief Some Pizzazz, in which he writes: "People love stories. You told a good story in your Statement
of Facts. Now it's time to invent some new stories to include in the Argument
section of your brief. We call these stories 'examples'."
What's going on with e-filing in California? Here's a summary.
What's going on with e-filing in California? Here's a summary.