Yesterday's DJ had an article titled in the print version
Spirited Liu Dissent Raises Eyebrows (and in the online version:
Liberal State High Court Justices Raise Eyebrows with Unusual Dissent): High Court's refusal to hear juvenile murder case rankles liberals. The background is a case captioned
In re Joseph H., S227929, from the 2d District, in which the Supreme Court denied review in a 4 to 3 vote, with Justices Liu, Cuellar, and Kruger voting for review. "In a highly unusual move," Justice Liu issued an official "dissenting statement" (see it on the docket
here) to which Justice Cuellar "signed on." For more details and analysis, see David Ettinger's post
Here's a 4/3
decision today in which the appellants waived all claims on appeal for "inadequate briefing." An interesting facet is that appellant's counsel is the De Novo Law Firm, a name that would resonate with appellate lawyers. But it appears that the firm's primary focus is not appellate practice, but bankruptcy.