H&L's Jessica Di Palma presents Calif. High Court Proposal Would End Depublication Practice in today's Law 360, about the proposal to amend CRC 8.1105(e)(1), which would eliminate automatic depublication of Court of Appeal opinions when the Supreme Court grants review. You can comment on the proposed rule until Oct. 9 here.
Law360 also features Judge Orrick Defends Planned Parenthood Ruling at 9th Circ. about ND Cal's Judge Orrick's "rare appellate filing" ("filed at the behest of the Ninth Circuit") in a case in which anti-abortion groups filed a writ petition challenging his discovery order. The case is In re Center for Medical Progress v. USDC, 15-72844, featured on the 9th Circuit's homepage.
And today's DJ profile of SFSC Judge Suzanne Bolanos includes a shout-out to Justices Carlos Moreno and Maria Rivera as longtime mentors who encouraged her to pursue a career on the bench.
The NLJ offers When Justices Talk About the Pope: A search of oral argument transcripts reveals "pope" references in 11 cases from the past 60 years.