LA Superior Court has a nifty 8-page, 4-panel paper brochure titled Information for First time Jurors, containing jury service information and instructions for responding to a juror summons. The brochure arrives in the mail along with a juror summons. Page 1 consists of A Message From the Chief Justice of California and the Presiding Judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court, along with a nice photo of Judge David Wesley and the Chief. But at the bottom of the page it's signed "Tani Cantil-Sakau
ke" -- oops! That second K should be a Y!
And mind your K's and Y's... |
Apparently, this typo crops up now and again, even in articles where the Chief's name is spelled right a few times, but then the typo creeps in (e.g.,
here). Isn't it bad enough that the Chief has to hear people mispronounce her name...