Monday, August 3, 2015

Drat! "Contrat" typo in Supreme Court opinion?

The Recorder has a lead story, Justices Uphold Consumer Arbitration Clause, about today's opinion in Sanchez v. Valencia Holding. And no doubt there will be much more ink on this important opinion. But attorney Carl Grumer points out a rarity -- a typo in the opinion at the top of page 8:
"Courts may find a contract as a whole 'or any clause of the contrat' to be unconscionable. (Civ. Code, § 1670.5, subd. (a).)"
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The Supreme Court also granted review last week in Kabran v. Sharp Memorial Hospital (S227393) to address an appellate practice issue: "Are the time constraints in California Code of Civil Procedure 659a jurisdictional such that a court cannot consider late-filed documents?"