Why retire when you can return to the job you most loved? After nearly three decades in private practice, 74-year-old Lui will once again hold a seat on the Second District Court of Appeal.
In State Bar news, the incoming State Bar President will be LA Lawyer David Pasternak, and LA Lawyer Danette Meyers will be Treasurer. Those should be familiar names, as both are past LACBA presidents.
Also the State Bar Trustees have decided to drop the bar exam from three days to two starting in July 2017.

- See fn.11 here, where 2/1 dings appellant's counsel for filing "Exhibits In Support Of Opening Brief" instead of properly naming it "Appellant's Appendix" and for failing to include the notice of appeal.
- Today's DJ has a piece by GMSR's Alana Rotter, One Bit of the Apple, about the Supreme Court's recent Even Zohar Construction opinion involving requests for relief from default. There's also a lesson here about trying to read the tea leaves when the Supremes grant or deny review.