" 'As someone who lived through a 2-1 confirmation, I wouldn't wish it on
my worst enemy,' said Vogel .... 'It really rained on my parade.' " |
Also in the DJ, see Magna Milestone as Magna Carta Turns 800. If you haven't already read a few dozen articles on the Magna Carta's birthday, then you've been missing out. Another fun anniversary for appellate lawyers this year: Alice in Wonderland turns a mere 150.
The Recorder: Over Governor's Objection, Lawmakers Move Forward on New Judgeships.
The NLJ: Ruth Bader Ginsburg 'Amazed' at Icon Status at 82 and How the Supreme Court Went Online: First electronic opinion transmitted on June 18, 1990 and Goldberg Variations: Scalia Apologizes After Flubbing Ginsburg’s Name.