Today's DJ offers:
Justice hints concern over nominee to 2nd District court: Justice Wary of bench nominee, regarding rumors on how Justice Paul Turner (on the Commission On Judicial Appointments by virtue of his seniority in the 2d DCA) will vote at the July 23 hearing to confirm nominee Lamar Baker.
" 'As someone who lived through a 2-1 confirmation, I wouldn't wish it on
my worst enemy,' said Vogel .... 'It really rained on my parade.' " |
Also in the DJ, see
Magna Milestone as Magna Carta Turns 800. If you haven't already read a few dozen articles on the Magna Carta's birthday, then you've been missing out. Another fun anniversary for appellate lawyers this year: Alice in Wonderland turns a mere 150.
The Recorder:
Over Governor's Objection, Lawmakers Move Forward on New Judgeships.

The NLJ:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg 'Amazed' at Icon Status at 82 and How the Supreme Court Went Online: First electronic opinion transmitted on June 18, 1990 and Goldberg Variations: Scalia Apologizes After Flubbing Ginsburg’s Name.