for more OC Appellate/Legal Excitement
Visit the Newport Beach Central Library
Three award-winning courtroom illustrators, Elizabeth Williams, Bill Robles and Aggie Kenny will be highlighted and the focus will be on their court art and its unique blend of law, journalism and art. These three artists have covered hundreds of cases and trials, including Charles Manson, O. J. Simpson, John Gotti, Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, and Patty Hearst. An exhibit of courtroom art will be on display in the Central Library Lobby from January 2 through March 5.

Finally, not sure how we missed this one, but the Netherland America Foundation honored a certain OC Justice of Dutch heritage with a lifetime achievement award back in November. (Details here.)

Finally, not sure how we missed this one, but the Netherland America Foundation honored a certain OC Justice of Dutch heritage with a lifetime achievement award back in November. (Details here.)