More noteworthy December appellate programs
- Looking for a reason to spend a Friday (and then, perhaps the weekend) in the Bay Area? Friday, Dec. 5: BASF hosts "View from the Appellate Bench" with an all-star panel of speakers including: Justice Liu, Justices Richman, Pollak, Siggins, Bruiniers, Banke, Margulies, Jenkins, Stewart, ... you get the idea. If you practice in the 1st DCA, or need 6 hours of appellate specialization mcle credit, this is the place to be. Details here.
- Or how about BASF's "The Wizard of Koz" -- the 2d Annual Sandy Svetcov Memorial Lecture on appellate law -- given by Ninth Circuit Chief Judge Kozinski on the evening of Dec. 9... Details here.

- Back down in LA, LACBA's Immigration & Nationality Law Section presents "Practicing Immigration Law Before the Ninth Circuit" on Saturday, Dec. 13, with speakers including Judge Nguyen. Details here.
- OCBA's Appellate Law Section Holiday Luncheon is Dec. 12. Click here.