Justice Corrigan said that her favorite part of being on the Supreme Court is the writing; being able to make California law. Her least favorite part is the travel. The biggest change from being on the Supreme Court versus the Court of Appeal is that 7 is more than 3 -- i.e., it's harder to get a unanimous opinion. Also, there is much more conversation via written memo, rather than face-to-face discussions among the justices.
Justice Corrigan said that the best way to have a petition for review granted is to show a conflict among the appellate districts, to have a dissenting opinion in the Court of Appeal, or to point to the need to interpret new statutory language. She emphasized that although a quarter of the court's workload is death penalty appeals, every case gets white glove treatment.
Her oral argument tip was: Eat a good breakfast! Don't get up early and not eat breakfast; that is a recipe for passing out at the lectern, which she has seen happen twice. Beyond a good morning meal: Be smart; Be prepared; and don't lie.
The interview ended with a stirring rendition of the Notre Dame fight song.
Also mentioned was her devotion to St. Vincent's Day Home; she is the President of the Board of Directors. |