Monday, May 12, 2014

Insights Into Appellate Review of Equitable Judgments

FYI, it's Juror Appreciation Week!
Juror Appreciation Week

On May 20, the Title Subsection of LACBA's Real Property Section presents: An Insider’s Insights Into Appellate Review of Equitable Judgments (from noon to 1:30 at the DoubleTree LA Downtown). So who's the insider?

Program Information:
Presiding Justice Arthur Gilbert of Division 6 of the Second District Court of Appeal will discuss the standards of review and how elusive they can be when applied to trial court judgments in so-called “equity cases.” He will speak about how the Court of Appeal decides such cases, what it considers in its review of the record, and the approach it takes in writing a judicial opinion. He will suggest ways in which trial and appellate attorneys can best protect their clients’ interest in “equitable” cases.