In something of a farewell speech on Wednesday, Kozinski, whose seven-year term as chief judge ends in December, emphasized the use of technology and face-to-face gatherings to build community and access at the sprawling appellate court.
Under Kozinski's watch the court has overhauled its website and now streams audio of all its arguments live, as well as video of its en banc hearings. "That means you can see them in real time anywhere in the world," he told the Bay Area chapter of the Federal Bar Association. Video of all three-judge panel hearings is coming in the "not-too-distant future."

Official press release = Ninth Circuit Chief Takes Stock of Seven Years at Helm
Over at Law360 Appellate:
Sidley Blames E-Notices For Blown Deadline In IP Appeal: "Sidley Austin LLP told the Federal Circuit on Tuesday that it missed the deadline to appeal a $40 million patent verdict against client AT&T Inc. for its U-Verse television service because of misleading notices by the trial court, and that the patent owner's motion to bar the appeal should be denied."
A defense attorney who faked a stomach bug to get out of oral arguments before the Seventh Circuit was on Friday suspended from practicing law in Illinois for 60 days. (See here too.)
Finally, following up on discussions about how to cite to the appellate record, the 5th Circuit posted these instructions on Monday, which are obviously not relevant to SoCal appellate practice, but may be a preview of things to come.