The 3d Circuit covers Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the Virgin Islands, so how is that Southern California Appellate News? Well, it is when it's Judge Ruggero Aldisert, who keeps chambers in Santa Barbara. (A hard precedent to follow?) The DJ reports today that, at age 94, he plans to retire in August. Nominated to the 3d Circuit by President Johnson (Lyndon, not Andrew), he went senior in 1986 and moved to SB. He has authored numerous law review articles and over a dozen books, including the famous Winning on Appeal and Opinion Writing (which is given to every new state and federal appellate judge). The article notes that he has sat on over 100 cases for the 9th Circuit. If, somehow, Judge Aldisert has escaped your attention, it's time to remedy that gap and start reading his books and articles. Start with this 2003 interview by How Appealing.