Today's DJ profiles Justice Miguel Marquez who's been on the 6th DCA for about a year and a half after a "rags-to-riches life story." According to the article, "At 46 ... he is ... the youngest justice on a California court of appeal," and his "willingness to take controversial positions that have benefited defendants [has] earned the wrath of the local press." He is reported to be "compassionate," "a progressive thinker," "a careful, thoughtful lawyer," who sees the purpose of the law to "improve the community and improve society." His sister Raquel has appointed to the bench shortly before he was, becoming the first Latina superior court judge in Riverside.

Here's a video of Justice Marquez speaking at Santa Clara Law School on How to Get a Judicial Externship.
Meanwhile, down in LA, the 2d DCA has published this new 2014 calendar of argument dates.