Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Appellate goodies in today's DJ

Today's DJ offers a trio of appellate treats. First, a profile of Justice Elia ("6th District Justice Franklin D. Elia is known for his intimate familiarity with case issues"); second, an article on Kurwa v. Kislinger (S201619), by Jens Koepke ("When is a judgment truly appealable"); and third, Gary Watt and Tiffany Gates discuss Farmers Ins. Exch. v. Superior Court (2013) 218 Cal.App.4th 96, 105, for the proposition that depublication can constitute a 'change in the law' sufficient to warrant reconsideration ("What the Dickens is the law").

Associate Justice Franklin D. Elia
Even "gorillas in the wild show trauma at the loss of their mates,"
Elia said, according to a published report.