Three Tyna tidbits: (1) Tyna chairs the LA County Bar Appellate Courts Section; (2) Tyna has been a frequent volunteer in the LACBA ACS ACE program and pro bono program; and (3) Tyna is a devoted user of the Specialization Bear logo:
Monday, July 22, 2013
Doh Adir!
Today's DJ has an article by appellate specialist Tyna Orren, Don't Let Winners Take the Money and Run, about Adir Int'l v. Superior Court (2013) 216 Cal.App.4th 996. She recounts the Adir horror story and provides some useful advice, including why it is so essential after a bad verdict to seek a CCP 918 stay ASAP.

Three Tyna tidbits: (1) Tyna chairs the LA County Bar Appellate Courts Section; (2) Tyna has been a frequent volunteer in the LACBA ACS ACE program and pro bono program; and (3) Tyna is a devoted user of the Specialization Bear logo:
Three Tyna tidbits: (1) Tyna chairs the LA County Bar Appellate Courts Section; (2) Tyna has been a frequent volunteer in the LACBA ACS ACE program and pro bono program; and (3) Tyna is a devoted user of the Specialization Bear logo: