Today's DJ has an article by Emily Green,
State Supreme Court's Clerk Has Long Ties to the Justices, about SCOC Clerk Frank McGuire who, thirteen years ago, served for three years as a staff attorney for "one of the court's most divisive justices" identified later in the article as Janice Rogers Brown. McGuire also identified 1st District Justice McGuiness as a mentor. Chief Justice Cantil-Sakauye is quoted as saying "Frank is famous for his after-hours, late-night stream-of-consciousness emails." The article also notes that five of 34 positions in the clerk's office remain unfilled.
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Also reported in today's DJ and the Recorder is the Governor's appointment of nearly a dozen superior court judges. One in particular has a strong appellate background: Paul Herbert (appointed to the Alameda County Superior Court) worked as a research attorney in the Fifth District for Justices Brown and Wickson and for the First District's Justice Simons.