Wednesday, May 15, 2013

CSC names new CCS Director

Or, in English, the California Supreme Court has named a new Capital Central Staff Director: Congrats to Steven Rosenberg. Press release here.

Before becoming a lawyer, he served as ...
a law enforcement ranger for the National Park Service.

The Capital Central Staff was created in 2002 to assist the justices in the adjudication of death matters. The unit consists of the director and nine attorneys. They prepare memoranda and draft opinions addressing capital appeals, habeas corpus petitions, and related motions. In addition, they assist the automatic appeals unit of the clerk’s office with a variety of issues.
The court has two other central staffs composed primarily of career attorneys:
The Criminal Central Staff prepares conference memoranda addressing petitions for review and habeas corpus petitions in all criminal matters except capital cases.
The Civil Central Staff prepares conference memoranda addressing petitions for review in civil matters and attorney and judicial discipline matters.