Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gilbert on Mosk

No, not a 2/6 v. 2/5 smackdown, but rather PJ Gilbert's book review in yesterday's DJ of Justice Stanley Mosk, A Life at the Center of California Politics and Justice, by Jacqueline R. Braitman and Gerald F. Uelmen (McFarland & Company, Inc., 2012). This is plainly a book any California appellate practitioner will want to read.

And... don't miss Professor Kanner's provocative article in today's DJ titled Methinks Justice Stevens Protests Too Much -- also a book review of sorts -- of Justice Stevens' latest law review article on Kelo v. New London: Kelo, Popularity and Substantive Due Process, 63 Ala. L. Rev. 941 (2012) -- with interesting commentary about the role of stare decisis at SCOTUS.