Speaking of today's ASCDC program, H&L Appellate Specialist Lisa Perrochet was honored for her famous "Green Sheets" (in Verdict magazine), which was a bit more upbeat than Karl Rove's keynote speech on the state of America's economy...
Friday, March 1, 2013
Bedsworth sightings....
4/3's Justice Beds' latest piece -- The Curse of the Carbonic Reserves -- is posted on The Recorder's website. And he was in LA today at the Association of Southern California Defense Counsel's Annual Seminar, on the panel for the "Civility Matters" program. Justice Bedsworth takes civility seriously and will turn his sharp pen on lawyers who misbehave, e.g., Kim v. Westmoore Partners (2011) 201 Cal.App.4th 267.

Speaking of today's ASCDC program, H&L Appellate Specialist Lisa Perrochet was honored for her famous "Green Sheets" (in Verdict magazine), which was a bit more upbeat than Karl Rove's keynote speech on the state of America's economy...
Speaking of today's ASCDC program, H&L Appellate Specialist Lisa Perrochet was honored for her famous "Green Sheets" (in Verdict magazine), which was a bit more upbeat than Karl Rove's keynote speech on the state of America's economy...