I mention this because a few years ago, SoCal appellate legend Gideon Kanner recommended an Australian comedy titled The Castle (1997). That movie duly joined my Netflix list of impossible-to-find weird foreign films. Recently, however, Netflix added it to their library of streaming content, so I was able to watch it.

The Castle, reputedly one of Australia's most beloved comedies, tells the tale of a quirky family and its patriarch's quest to save their family home from "compulsory acquisition" (what we'd call an emiment domain action) by a neighboring airport. The movie is a classic for property rights lawyers, who have ably blogged about that angle already. See, e.g., here.
From an appellate angle, the movie's interest lies in portraying our hero's climb through his nation's judicial system all the way to the High Court of Australia. Supreme Court appeals don't often make for enjoyable or comedic cinematic fare. (Amistad, anyone?) For a mere 85 minutes of your time, you'll get insight into a different appellate world and perhaps a few chuckles as well.