Justice Codrington will also swear in the OCBA's officers (President-elect Wayne Gross, Treasurer Tom Bienert, Jr., Secretary Ashleigh Aitken) and its Board of Directors.
In addition, the Franklin G. West Award will be presented to John Hurlbut, Jr.
The OCBA press release highlights Ms. Jackson's dedication to our community. "A graduate of Dartmouth College and the University of Virginia School of Law, Jackson is a freelance lawyer with Montage Legal Group and CEO of redBAMBINA.com, an online retail boutique catering to nursing and expectant women, babies, and children. In addition to her service on the OCBA’s Judiciary, Finance, Education, Diversity & Equal Justice, Nominating, and Appointments Committees, Jackson has served on the California State Bar’s Ethnic and Minority Relations Committee, the California Minority Counsel Program’s Executive Committee, the Prentice School’s Scholarship Committee, and the Boards of the Public Law Center, First American Federal Credit Union, and Pink Ladder, a non-profit committed to encouraging, empowering, and mentoring African American women personally and professionally. Jackson currently serves on the Boards of the OCBA Charitable Fund, the Orange County Bar Foundation, and InTouch Credit Union."
The press release also notes Ms. Jackson will be the OCBA's "first female African American president." Congrats!