Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fed. Appellate Judges in Town

Pepperdine will host its annual Judicial Clerkship Institute next week, Mar. 18-20.  The program is designed for incoming federal clerks.  Federal appellate judges will be in town to teach, including:

9th Circuit Judge Margaret McKeown (at left)

9th Circuit Judge Pamela Ann Rymer (at right)

9th Circuit Judge Clifford Wallace
DC Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh
5th Circuit Judge Thomas Reavley
10th Circuit Judge Harris Hartz
10th Circuit Judge Deanell Reece Tacha
Other faculty include US District Judges Charles Breyer, Audrey Collins, Jeremy Fogel, and professorsAkhil Reed Amar, Erwin Chemerinsky, Judith Resnick, and Ken Starr.  More information is available here.  (h/t Ben Shatz)