Monday, June 17, 2024

SCOTUS news / SCOCA conference

Law360 has Blistering Dissents Belie Justices' Penchant For Consensus here:
Thirteen days into June, the U.S. Supreme Court had recorded one of the highest rates of unanimous decisions in the past four decades. But the era of historic consensus was tarnished a bit Friday when the court issued three split decisions and two scathing dissents highlighting how much the nine justices differ.
Closer to home:
The conference on the California Supreme Court, presented by Berkeley Law’s California Constitution Center and its partners, will be held on Friday, November 8, 2024. This all-day event will feature conversations with current and former justices of the California Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal, and scholars of state courts and constitutions. MCLE credit approval will be requested. Ticketing and other details will be released soon.