Supreme Court
• The Supreme Court issued 49 written opinions.
• Filings totaled 5,665, and dispositions totaled 5,778.
• There were 4 automatic appeals arising out of judgments of death, and the court disposed of 16 such appeals by written opinion.
• The Supreme Court ordered 19 Court of Appeal opinions depublished. (Cf. this was 28 in FY21)
5% of petitions for review in civil appeals were "granted" (defined as granted, granted & held, and granted & transferred) (actually 4.98%). Looking only at pure grants, the figure is only 2.88%
As has been true since FY2016, the number of rehearings granted is zero.
Courts of Appeal
• Contested matters in the Courts of Appeal totaled 16,308, including 10,464 records of appeal and 5,844 original proceedings.
• Dispositions in the Courts of Appeal totaled 20,117. Of these dispositions, 14,168 were appeals and 5,949 were original proceedings.
• Dispositions of appeals by written opinion totaled 8,306, appeals disposed of without written opinion totaled 3,494, and appeals disposed of without a record filed totaled 2,368. Dispositions of original proceedings by written opinion totaled 325, and original proceedings disposed of without written opinion totaled 5,624.
• Statewide, 10 percent of Court of Appeal majority opinions were published.
For civil appeals (fig. 33), the top 5 fastest courts are 2/6, 4/1, 4/3, 1/4, and 1/1; the slowest are 6th, 3d, 5th, 4/2, and 2/5.
As for outcomes in civil appeals, the stats show 5% are dismissed (the same percentage for the prior two years as well); 17% are reversed (again the same figure for the prior two years as well); and 79% are affirmed.
As for publication, the 1st has the highest rate in civil appeals, at 24% (3d is at 22%) and the lowest is the 5th (13%) (the 6th is at 15%).
Law360 has Larry Ebner's Federal Judge's Amici Invitation Is A Good Idea, With Caveats