The 3d DCA reports: Judge Samuel T. McAdam of the Yolo County Superior Court will be sitting in pro tempore beginning January 1, 2023.
SCAN: News and resources for Southern California appellate lawyers, featuring the Second and Fourth District Courts of Appeal and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Monday, December 12, 2022
3d DCA pro tem / appellate job opening in LACOA
The LA City Attorneys Offices is seeking a civil appellate attorney for its Civil Liability Appeals Division. The Division handles appeals and writs arising out of civil litigation in a variety of areas. While this could include any case in which the City or its employees are sued, typical cases include the dangerous condition of public property, state and federal civil rights laws, including claims of false arrest and excessive force, employment law, municipal law, constitutional law, City contracts, and public health law. The Division represents the City and occasionally the People of the State of California in affirmative litigation and as amicus curiae in appeals that touch on areas of law with potential impact on the City and on issues of state-wide and nation-wide importance. The Division occasionally advises the City Council on legal issues. The attorneys in this Division practice primarily in the California Court of Appeal for the Second District and the Ninth Circuit, and occasionally the United States and California Supreme Courts. The attorneys in the Division also advise the City’s trial attorneys on dispositive and other motions. Attorneys interested in applying should submit their resume, writing samples, and cover letter in ONE PDF FILE, indicating, “DCA – CIVIL LIABILITY APPEALS DIVISION, Job #3168 B” in the subject line, to