SCAN: News and resources for Southern California appellate lawyers, featuring the Second and Fourth District Courts of Appeal and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Saturday, October 15, 2022
1st District back in person
The Court of Appeal, First Appellate District, announces that in-person oral argument in the courtroom is now available to either or both parties. Counsel or parties may elect to present oral argument either by personal appearance in court or by remote appearance on BlueJeans. Hybrid arguments, where one party is in the courtroom and the other remote, are available. If argument will be by personal appearance, absent extraordinary circumstances, the Justices who will hear the case will be present in the courtroom. All who enter the courtroom must be masked and remain masked except that counsel and parties who are presenting their argument may remove their masks while speaking. All arguments from the courtroom and by remote appearance, including hybrid arguments, will continue to be streamed live on the court’s website.