For the latest in incivility by a pro per appellant against the Court of Appeal, don't miss this unpub one from 2/6 today. The opinion generously quotes from the appellant's "unremitting, unwarranted stream of invective" in numerous motions and at oral argument.
The Fall/Winter issue of the CSCHS Review is out, and it has many items of appellate note, including:
- We could hold appellant in contempt and impose punitive sanctions for her unfounded attack on the integrity of this court. We decline to do so in this case, but warn her that she cannot expect such forbearance from us in the future.
- Despite appellant’s casting of aspersions upon the integrity of this court, we have made a concerted effort to treat her respectfully and fairly. Although we have ample cause to hold her in contempt and impose punitive sanctions, we decline to do so this time. But if there is a next time, we may not be so generous.
- Serranus Clinton Hastings: A Counterpoint on Culpability
- The California Academy of Appellate Lawyers: A Half Century of Accomplishments
- An Appreciation: Justice John A. Arguelles
- An Appreciation: Justice Norman L. Epstein
- Book Review: Stephen Field, Reconsidered