The United States Senate today (11/13/2023) voted 48-43 to confirm President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s, nomination of District Judge Ana de Alba to serve as a circuit judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Judge de Alba was nominated for the judgeship on April 17, 2023, and had her nomination hearing on May 17. Her nomination was reported to the Senate Floor on June 8. Upon taking her oath, she will fill a judgeship vacant since May 31, 2023, when Circuit Judge Paul Watford resigned. Once she has taken her oath of office, Judge de Alba will be the fourth Hispanic woman appointed to the court. She will maintain chambers in Fresno.
Law360 has Eastern District Of Calif. Judge Confirmed To 9th Circ.:
"The daughter of immigrants from Mexico, Judge de Alba's path to her confirmation to the Ninth Circuit today embodies the American Dream," said Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., in a statement. "I was proud to recommend and confirm Judge de Alba as the first Latina to serve on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, where she has more than proven herself as the public servant Americans deserve on the Ninth Circuit."
Bloomberg Law's story is Latina Judicial Trailblazer Elevated to Largest Appellate Court
Earning undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, de Alba worked in between as a law firm receptionist. She spent most of her career as a litigator at Lang, Richert & Patch in Fresno where she concentrated on employment, personal injury, business, and construction cases.